Tuition and Fees
UConn students are charged by residency status at graduate tuition and fee rates. Full, up-to-date program fee details can be found on the Office of the Bursar's website.
The total Cost of Attendance (COA) at UConn includes direct educational costs (i.e., tuition, fees, housing, and food) and indirect costs. Indirect costs include books, course materials, supplies and equipment, transportation, miscellaneous personal expenses, loan fees, and professional licensure or certification, if applicable.
Financial Aid
Some students may be eligible for financial aid or may wish to utilize unsubsidized loans. You can learn more by contacting UConn's One Stop Student Services at 860-486-1111 or (please include your student ID number or Applicant ID number in your email message).
Learn about available UConn Neag School of Education’s scholarships on the School's scholarships website.
Graduate Assistantships
Graduate assistantships are not guaranteed, and students must independently seek and apply for these positions after they are accepted into the program. Fortunately, most school psychology students are successful in securing graduate assistantships. Graduate assistantships include full tuition remission, a stipend, excellent health benefits, and many other benefits. More information is available on the Graduate School's website and the UConn Graduate Employee & Postdoc Union website.
Other Aid
EPSY Scholars Program – Ph.D. Students
For students applying to the Neag School’s Department of Educational Psychology’s Ph.D. programs, the department also offers the EPSY Scholars Program, which has the following goals:
- To provide a mechanism for students to engage in research work that will result in peer-reviewed publications for the student.
- To facilitate faculty opportunity to support and prepare high-achieving graduate students.
The selected EPSY Scholars will receive a 10-hour graduate assistantship from the Department of Educational Psychology for up to four years, contingent on satisfactory academic standing and consistent completion of program requirements (i.e., annual submission of a progress update and plan for committee review). This is paired with an additional 10-hour graduate assistantship (provided by the advisor or program), so all EPSY Scholars will be fully funded for at least four years. The EPSY Scholars Program is intended to be a competitive program that will support recruitment of nationally competitive Ph.D. students and will facilitate these students’ engagement with active scholarship during their program.
Graduate School Conference Participation Award – Ph.D. Students
The Graduate School is committed to helping graduate students achieve their academic, professional, and personal goals during their time at the University of Connecticut. In support of this goal, The Graduate School offers a Conference Participation Award, previously known as the Doctoral Student Travel Award, to support students’ ability to present their research at national or international meetings and conferences, including both in-person and virtual events.
This conference participation fellowship in the amount of $750 will be awarded for the semester following the application submission and paid through the student’s fee bill. View more information here.